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TPO 2 獨立寫作 作文練習

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

螢幕快照 2017-03-09 下午3.45.08


  1. 想點子不要想得太深遠或者簡單的觀點

  2. 觀點跟觀點要有串連,比方說general to specific, 近到遠, 先後

  3. 不要用中文邏輯思考,常用英文邏輯去想,少用中式英文。

  4. 舉例跟點子要扣合題目

  5. 名詞+形容詞為主,少用動詞

  6. 可以用省主詞, Ving 的方式去寫句子

  7. 抬頭如果是反對可以用 However, ,for example:disbelieve. However, believe. / 支持的話:believe. In my opinion, believe.

  8. 點子的第一句為topic句,要寫出點子,而不是鋪陳。

  9. **常用代換字 ex: the argument. or the discussion. **


螢幕快照 2017-03-09 下午4.04.47