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Inspire you to have New thinking, Walk out your unique Road.


Posted on May 31, 2022, Fixed on Dec 4, 2022

Hello, I'm Mina, I'm a Python Back-end Engineer and have developed many product/project in different fields. This is my portfolio for list all projects, products, side-projects includes my personal projects.
Back-end software development is my main field now, I have most development experiece by Python and little Java programming languages and have worked with different business fields experiece.
I have began to learn front-end since April, 2022, and I will continue to deep on Back-end and explore front-end new field.

  1. Miri Robot Fortune-Teller Self-Product Developing Release

    Own-developed divination and fortune-telling creative product, it moves the traditional flows of divination and fortune-telling to software and internet. I have touched fortune-telling since 2015 years, I used to use it for predicting future. But in these years, its new trend becames helping people find their original personalities, improving shortcomings or playing to strengths. I hope to use the power of technology to make a robot fortune-teller, it can give suitable suggestions and decisions according to the situation, current status and condition of the person, so that he/she can combine with his/her body, mind, and soul, and live a life he/she want. #Python #PostgreSQL #Heroku #Vercel #Telegram-chat-bot #Line-bot-sdk

    Official Web Web App
  2. Banqi Chinese Chess Self-Product Release

    ver. 1.0.0. A Banqi Chess website includes single and online mode, includes the feature of instant chat room. #Next.js #Tailwind.css #Firestore #HTML #CSS #Javascript

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  3. Fancy Chat Room Self-Product Release

    A simple real-time chat room developed by React.js and Firestore v9 for learning and practicing Front-end development. #React.js #Tailwind.css #Firestore #HTML #CSS #Javascript

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  4. Creative Theme: Simple Blog Self-Product Release

    Refer the website design of Exile Mobile for practicing front-end skills, the concept is simple blog and posts, refer the design and own creative ideas, develop another new creative demo theme. #Vue.js #Tailwind.css #HTML #CSS #Javascript

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  5. Creative Theme: Own Influence Self-Product Release

    Self-creative front-end website design theme, the first time build from 0 and learn by myself. As the personal website theme now, extract it as a demo creative theme. #Nuxt.js #Tailwind.css #HTML #CSS #Javascript

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  6. @Mina Influence Self-Product Release

    My personal website with new design, all design and developed by myself, the first project for learning front-end.
    After the 2015 years, I awake successfully from addiction of online games, I visited America and Nordic Europe, met people from Germany, Hungary, Australia in my university and travelers, they looked freedom, independent and expressing their ideas, which was very less in our culture, so I would like to make one website to show my personalities and life concepts, inspiring people have courage to be themselves, do things they want, live a unique life roads and create unique stories belong them. #Vue.js #Nuxt.js #Gridsome #Hugo #Tailwind.css #HTML #CSS #Javascript

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  7. Pipeline AnalysisIn Company

    A Back-end data process service hosted on AWS, analysis patient data and generate reports. #Python #Micro Service #AWS #Lambda #S3 #Athena #Glue #SNS & SQS

  8. Patient RosterIn Company

    A Back-end patient data retrieval system hosted on AWS, assisted to retrieve and integrate the patient data from American hospitals and clinics. #Python #Java #Micro Service #AWS #Lambda #S3 #DynamoDB #SNS & SQS

  9. Solar Energy Sites Data Collect System In Company

    A solar energy data collector which receives instant data from all solar energy sites IoT devices every 2 minutes through MQTT message broker. Processing, calculating and saving data into database for monitoring and analyses. Improved 80% speed for processing instant data than former system by using Async and Multi-Thread design. #Python #MQTT #Async #Jenkins #PostgreSQL #Agile #Object-oriented

  10. Solar Energy Site Project Auditing and Management In Company

    A program to generate daily reports for helping the solar energy sales department to understand the operation progress of each solar site project and lacking status of documents. Reduced work time of hand-making reports, helping officials manage projects and progress conveniently. #Python #Jenkins #PostgreSQL #Agile #SMBProtocol3 #Pandas #XlsxWriter #Object-oriented #SQLAlchemy

  11. Solar Energy Sites Monitor Platform In Company

    A dashboard website for showing whole status, efficiency, calculation and prediction information instantly of total 116 Taiwanese solar energy sites data, receiving every 2 minutes instant data from IoT devices through MQTT message broker. Offered experts, customers, engineers to monitor instant situation of solar energy sites, alarmed engineers abnormal status of devices for processing problems instantly. #Python #Flask #MQTT #Restful API #Docker #Jenkins #PostgreSQL #Agile #Object-oriented #SQLAlchemy #Redis #TDD

  12. Street Light Smart Management System In Company

    A management website can monitor and manage the instant situation of total 260 thousand streetlights in Taiwan. Receiving instant data of 260 thousand streetlights through MQTT protocol and includes following management features: devices information, controlling devices, issue reports, scheduling light, account management and more features. In this product, responsible for designing high extendable system structure, advanced features implementation and processing messages with IoT devices by MQTT. #Python #Flask #MQTT #Restful API #PostgreSQL #Agile #SQLAlchemy #TDD #JWT #Swagger

  13. Robot-Advisor In Company

    AI Bank Insurance System project, recommend suitable insurance plans based on customers’ requirements by Black-Litterman (BL) Model algorithm. In this project, designed Test plans and maintained daily data crawler program for system stability. #Java #Python #Crontab #MSSQL #TestPlan #Object-oriented

  14. LUNA ACUARIO @MINA Self-ProductArchive

    My original website, which mainly show the blog posts, after the new design release, this is archived now. #Hugo #Golang #HTML #CSS #Javascript

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  15. SyGPS™ AI-enabled business GPS In Company

    A Business Intelligence (BI) with AI algorithm core system, developed in Python, Flask and Vue.js, analyzes the business value, past operations, sales and future trends prediction by importing big data from enterprises’s databases. Entrepreneurs and customers can ask questions though search bar for getting current insight reports by AI. #Python #Flask #Pandas #SQLite #Object-oriented #SQLAlchemy #NLTK #Docker #Jenkins #Agile #TDD

  16. Beijing Industrial Website In Company

    A factory monitor website provides KPI calculation, yield failure rate, people flow system, employee monitoring, and alarm system for helping management. #Python #Flask #Pandas #MySQL #SQLAlchemy #Docker #Jenkins

  17. The Data Construction and Research Analysis of Vulnerable Families In School

    Assisted government to analyze reasons of Vulnerable Families so that they can take required actions and make better decision. Collaborated to Ministry of Health and Welfare and Department of Social Work. Analyzing cause conditions from residence area, national income and health insurance levels of 20 million citizens data, made insight reports and discussion with officials. #SQL #SAS

  18. Bonus System Software In School

    A Python Desktop software for verifying my Master’s degree paper: A Bonus-based Approach to the Improvement of MOOC Completion Rate, which calculates scores based on student activity while students take online courses, showing scores to students as a feeling of achievement and helping to increase students’ willingness to learn courses. #Python2 #Django #Tkinder

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  19. Earth Ethical Eating Day In School

    Helped Taiwanese international humanitarian and non-governmental organization Tzu Chi Foundation to build a website for exciting people eat vegetables and fruits instead meat and fish. Designed front-end part of website. #HTML #CSS #Bootstrap

  20. IR Office Official Site In School

    Assisted administration office of university to build official website for management and news publishment. Designed and implemented website independently, discussion with officials. Re-maked as a demo web after office reformed website. #Python2 #Django #HTML #CSS

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